This section is just for fun, but it'll still need to have some rules to keep things running smoothly.
Since every player may want to have a different set of rules based on what they feel like doing and it'd be rude to ruin their fun by jumping in and taking things too far we are going to have a way to indicating what the topic includes.
[GM] = god modding, characters in this topic will be god modding.
[F2D] = Fight to death, characters in this topic will be allowed to fight to be death.
[SP] = side plot, any character posting will be entering the side plot of the member who posted the topic, it may be a good idea to get an idea of what is going to happen but not required.
If anymore are thought of, or suggested they'll be added, and of course you may use more then one at a time.
Things to remember -
This is only a small section, because it's meant to be fun, not something that you'll be spending a large amount of time in.
Admins and mods still have a role here, but we are expected to adapt to the rules here and act accordingly.
Things here never transfer into the main role play, for obvious reasons.
Use your head and think about what rules of the site still apply here.